Legal notice

Legal informations


( )


Gilles Lorin


Director of publication or editorial manager:


Gilles Lorin


Technical realization, development and hosting of the site:


Imagine Développement

65 quai Claude Bernard

38200 VIENNE


Graphic design of the site:


Graph & Lign

65 quai Claude Bernard

38200 Vienne




All the information, as well as all the elements present in this site (texts, presentations, illustrations, photographs, trees and layouts), are, except public documents and additional details, the exclusive intellectual property of Gilles Lorin or its subsidiaries and affiliated entities and are subject to copyright laws.

As such, their representations, reproductions, nestings, distributions and reruns, partial or total, are prohibited in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code. Any person doing so without being able to justify prior and express authorization from the holder of these rights incurs the penalties relating to the offense of counterfeiting provided for in articles L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.


The information presented on this site is subject to change at any time without notice and is only made available to Internet users for information purposes. They have no contractual character. Gilles Lorin cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies or errors that may be contained in this site.




Your personal data (surnames, first names, telephones, postal and electronic addresses) that you voluntarily submit are only intended for Gilles Lorin for customer management, in order to respond to a request for information and benefit from offers from the Company. By completing a form, you consent to the use by our site of personal data concerning you, which you have communicated or which are collected through the operation of the site. Under no circumstances will they be communicated to third parties.


With regard to the rules of protection of personal data (article 34 of the Law "Informatique et Libertés" of January 6, 1978, directives 95/46 and 97/66), you have a right of access, rectification and deletion of data that concerns you. To exercise this right, to object to the receipt of any commercial message or for any rectification, send an email to @acces-donnees-personnelles or write to: Gilles Lorin





Gilles Lorin and its subsidiaries formally decline all responsibility for the content of the sites to which they provide links. These links are offered to users of the Site or the websites of its subsidiaries and affiliated entities as a service. The decision to activate the links rests exclusively with the users.

It is possible to create a link to a site without the express permission of the publisher, on the sole condition that this link opens a new browser window. However, Gilles Lorin reserves the right to request the deletion of a link that it considers not in accordance with its editorial policy.

photographer & printmaker

© Gilles Lorin 2024, All rights reserved.